Connected home appliances incorporate innovations that allow consumers to save time, conserve energy, and pave the way for faster and more accurate repairs. From refrigerators that automatically order groceries when supplies run low to ranges that respond to voice commands, connected appliances offer significant value for consumers and have the potential to change the way consumers approach household tasks like cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping.
Research conducted for AHAM by DIG Insights found that a majority of consumers are open to making connected appliances part of their home. About 70 percent of consumers surveyed said they either would not mind having connected appliances or were close to purchasing a connected appliance.
AHAM has been a leader in the connectivity space since its use in appliances was still a concept, and that leadership continues. AHAM’s Connectivity Specialists, a group made up of technology experts from appliance manufacturers, considers the impact of connectivity related issues like privacy and safety, and develops AHAM positions on policy related to connectivity.
AHAM’s first Smart Appliance Task Force, formed in 2000, led the development of the AHAM CHA-1 standard, the first that addressed communications elements of connected appliances. AHAM also developed the AHAM SA-1 standard, the most current standard for common commands of connected appliances.
As connectivity continues to evolve and manufacturers roll out new innovations, AHAM and its member companies will work together to take the steps that allow consumers to take advantage of the full potential of the next wave of home appliances.
Order AHAM's webinar, "Pathways to Connectivity: Consumer Acceptance of Connected Appliances."