(Washington DC, January 14)-- As wildfires continue to affect Los Angeles and the surrounding area, millions are experiencing the detrimental impact of smoke on indoor air quality. The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) urges residents to utilize portable room air cleaners effectively to improve indoor environments during these challenging times.
Tips for Proper Air Cleaner Use
- Look for the AHAM Verifide® mark: This mark guarantees the air cleaner has been independently tested to meet the manufacturer’s performance claims and CARB ozone limits.
- Select the right air cleaner size: Ensure your air cleaner is appropriate for the room size. Check the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) on the packaging for the recommended room size. The smoke CADR should match the room’s square footage for optimal performance.
- Position the air cleaner properly: For maximum efficiency, position air cleaners centrally in rooms and away from walls and obstructions to enhance airflow.
Consumer advisory: Be wary of misleading claims about air cleaner efficacy. Understanding the CADR and smoke rating is crucial for informed decisions. Replacement air cleaner filters should be purchased from reputable sources to avoid counterfeit filters.
Maintenance Guidelines
Change filters regularly: During heavy smoke conditions, change filters more frequently and keep spare filters available.
Clean regularly: Clean the air cleaner's exterior and vacuum the area using a vacuum with a HEPA filter to minimize particle accumulation.
Change furnace filters: While furnace filters are not substitutes for air cleaners, regularly replace furnace filters to support overall air quality.
Be prepared: Those who live in areas that are commonly affected by wildfire smoke should be prepared with properly sized air cleaners and extra filters. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, wildfire smoke can travel hundreds or even thousands of miles, depending on weather and other factors.
Indoor air quality is important all year: Beyond wildfire season, maintaining indoor air quality is crucial. Numerous common indoor air pollutants are not visible to the naked eye and can be prevalent even in clear weather. Utilizing air cleaners can significantly reduce allergens, and some models can provide additional defense against common illness-causing viruses and bacteria.
About AHAM Verifide
Since 1963, the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) has set the standard for the certification and verification of manufacturers’ claims on home appliance performance, giving consumers peace of mind that the appliance will meet their home’s needs. Room air cleaners certified through the AHAM Verifide® program have been rigorously tested by an independent laboratory to ensure the product will perform to the manufacturer’s product claims for the suggested room size. AHAM’s standard for measuring an air cleaner’s efficacy is called the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR). CADR indicates the volume of filtered delivered to a room, with separate scores for tobacco smoke, pollen and dust. The higher the CADR number for each pollutant, the faster the unit filters the air. AHAM is recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as an administrative body approved to administer verification testing for purposes of the ENERGY STAR® program.
Learn more about AHAM Verifide at: https://ahamverifide.org.